
Entity Definition

Logical Name : RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation

This entity ties retail transaction line items (sale/return, tender and loyalty points) to reporting periods. In ARTS a retailer may set up one or more reporting periods which are bounded by a beginning and ending calendar period at a given level (i.e. year, season, quarter, period, week or day). The reporting period refects a contiguous block of time consisting of N calendar periods.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint TenderFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_TENDER_BEHAVIOR)
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_CT_LYLTY_BEHAVIOR)
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) TenderFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_TENDER_BEHAVIOR)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_CT_LYLTY_BEHAVIOR)
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32) SalesReturnFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_SALE_RTN_BEHAVIOR)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint SalesReturnFact(ETL_DW3_FACT_SALE_RTN_BEHAVIOR)
ReportingPeriodID (FK)(PK) The unique system assigned identifier for a particular ReportingPeriod. ID_PRD_RP Identity int ReportingPeriodDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CA_PRD_RP)
BusinessDayDate (FK)(PK) The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date ReportingPeriodDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CA_PRD_RP)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
SalesReturnFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation
ReportingPeriodDimension designates time for RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation
CustomerLoyaltyProgramFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation
TenderFact occurs during RetailTransactionLineItemReportingPeriodAssociation

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